Teaching Assistant, Department of CS, NC State University, USA

I worked as a Teaching Assistant in CSC216 Software Development Fundamentals, where I introduced the students to the basics of Software Development in Object Oriented Language of JAVA. I also taught them the implementation of large programming projects using object-oriented design techniques. I also worked in the CSC230 C and Software Tools course, where I introduced the students to the basics of the C programming language and its application to system-level programming, speed and efficiency of execution and basics of simulations and modeling. I helped the professor by conducting lectures and preparing exams and labs. I assisted in one graduate-level introduction to computer and network security and privacy, titled CSC574 Computer and Network Security. I helped the professor design lectures, exams, research projects, and grading.

Lecturer, Department of CSE, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

I taught two courses (Compiler Design & Construction and Computer Architecture & Organization) as primary instructor over the course of 2016 to 2018. I have also instructed in several labs (Introduction to Programming Language, Algorithms, and Data and Telecommunication Systems) and helped the primary instructor accordingly.

Guest Lecturer, CSE, Green University, Bangladesh

I was the primary instructor of the course titled Compiler Design and Construction and Introduction to Computer Networks.

Guest Lecturer, CSE, BRAC University, Bangladesh

I was the primary instructor of the course Compiler Design and Construction for two consecutive semesters in 2017.

Lecturer, CSE, BRAC University, Bangladesh

I taught two courses (Compiler Design & Construction and Introduction to Computer Science) as primary instructor over the course of 2014 to 2016. I have also instructed in several labs (Data Structures, Algorithms, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessors, Artificial Intelligence, and Database Systems) and helped the primary instructor.